The First Tetrahedral Framework Nucleic Acid Industry Development Forum Held in Chengdu


July 7, 2024

The inaugural Tetrahedral Framework Nucleic Acid Industry Development Forum was held today in Chengdu. The forum was guided by the Jinniu District People's Government of Chengdu and organized by the State Key Laboratory of Oral Diseases (Sichuan University), the Sichuan Provincial Oral Biomaterials Engineering Center. The event aimed to explore the latest developments, research achievements, and industrial applications of tetrahedral framework nucleic acid technology, as well as its market potential, with the goal of further advancing this technology in the biomedicine field and achieving deep integration of industry, academia, and research.


The Tetrahedral Framework Nucleic Acid Joint Engineering Center was established

Currently, the biopharmaceutical industry, as a strategic emerging industry vital to national well-being, economic development, and national security, is a field characterized by innovation-driven models. It is also a key area for accelerating the formation of new productive forces.

In recent years, nucleic acid drugs in China have developed rapidly, but there has been a lack of efficient and safe delivery tools. The tetrahedral framework nucleic acid, as a novel platform for gene and drug delivery, has broken the long-standing technological and patent barriers imposed by foreign countries in this field. It has enabled the creation of a globally leading and independently controlled "China Solution" and "China Technology," filling the gap in the integration of industry, academia, and research in this area within China. Moreover, it has achieved significant industrial transformation results in multiple application fields. The tetrahedral framework nucleic acid is formed by the folding of four single-stranded DNAs into a regular tetrahedral structure, offering high stability, editability, and low immunogenicity, bringing new possibilities to the development of DNA nanotechnology.


Wenhua Chen, Vice Chairman of the 13th Sichuan Provincial People's Congress Standing Committee

Songling Wang, Academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences

Chunhai Fan, Academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences

Xuedong Zhou, Director of the National Key Laboratory for Oral Disease Prevention and Treatment

Yunfeng Lin, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of West China School of Stomatology, Sichuan University

Zhitai Huang, Executive Deputy District Mayor of Jinniu District People's Government of Chengdu

On that day, Wenhua Chen, Vice Chairman of the Standing Committee of the 13th Sichuan Provincial People’s Congress, Zhitai Huang, Executive Deputy Head of Jinniu District in Chengdu, along with several other leaders and experts, including Songling Wang, Academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Chunhai Fan, Academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xuedong Zhou, Director of the State Key Laboratory of Oral Diseases, and Yunfeng Lin, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of West China School of Stomatology, Sichuan University, jointly unveiled the "Tetrahedral Framework Nucleic Acid Joint Engineering Center." The center, co-established by the People's Government of Jinniu District in Chengdu, the State Key Laboratory of Oral Diseases, and Yunhai Biotech, aims to cultivate high-level talent in the nucleic acid industry, conduct research on new topics related to tetrahedral framework nucleic acids, continuously produce relevant domestic and international patents, closely integrate industry, academia, and research, and lay a solid foundation for creating an innovative pharmaceutical industry cluster.

Wenhua Chen, Vice Chairman of the Standing Committee of the 13th Sichuan Provincial People’s Congress, stated that in recent years, Sichuan has been vigorously promoting the high-quality development of the biopharmaceutical industry, introducing a series of policy measures to optimize drug regulation and promote technological innovation. Currently, the biopharmaceutical industry in Chengdu has developed significant advantages, including a high industry positioning, rapid development speed, strong integration, robust financial services, an excellent business environment, and a high level of internationalization. He expressed his hope that the forum, through various activities, would promote the alignment of key core technologies with industry needs, drive the deep integration of technological achievements, social capital, and market entities, accelerate the transformation and application of scientific and technological achievements, and further advance the industrialization of tetrahedral framework nucleic acid technology, so that this cutting-edge technology can benefit human health as soon as possible.


Itamar Willner, foreign academician of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and the Chinese Academy of Sciences

Chengde Mao, Professor of Purdue University

Neville Compton, editor-in-chief of Small magazine

Delun Luo, President of Yunhai Biotechnology

Xiaoyan Ding, professor at Sun Yat-sen University Zhongshan Eye Center

Professor Quanyi Guo, Department of Orthopaedics, PLA General Hospital

Shihui Zhu, Professor of Burn and Plastic Surgery at Shanghai Children's Medical Center

Song Qian, Chairman of Chuangjian Medical

Haihang Li, Chief Technology Officer of Chuangjian Medical

Xi Wen, editor-in-chief of Small Methods magazine

On that day, Itamar Willner, Foreign Member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences; Chengde Mao, Professor at Purdue University; Neville Compton, Editor-in-Chief of the internationally renowned nanoscience journal Small; Delun Luo, President of Yunhai Biotech; Xiaoyan Ding, Professor at Zhongshan Ophthalmic Center of Sun Yat-sen University; Quanyi Guo, Professor at the Orthopedics Department of the General Hospital of the People's Liberation Army; Shihui Zhu, Professor at the Department of Burns and Plastic Surgery, Shanghai Children's Medical Center; Song Qian, Chairman of Chuangjian Medical; Haihang Li, Chief Technology Officer of Chuangjian Medical; and Qian Wen, Editor-in-Chief of Small Methods, along with other distinguished experts, attended the forum and delivered excellent academic presentations.

In 2006, Chunhai Fan, an Academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and his team constructed a map of China using DNA origami technology, demonstrating the tremendous potential of DNA nanostructures in constructing complex shapes. Inspired by Academician Chunhai Fan's framework nucleic acid theory, Professor Yunfeng Lin began research in 2013 on the application of tetrahedral framework nucleic acids in the medical field. He discovered that they can regulate a wide range of cellular biological behaviors and can be used for drug and gene delivery.

Academician Songling Wang, in his speech, stated that tetrahedral framework nucleic acid technology, as a major scientific breakthrough, has already shown great potential and value in the medical field. As a highly customizable nanostructure, tetrahedral framework nucleic acid demonstrates broad application prospects in homeostasis medicine. It is expected to regulate oral microecological balance, enhance immune regulation, and promote tissue regeneration in various ways, providing new solutions for the prevention and treatment of oral diseases.

"As researchers, we must not only focus on innovations in the laboratory but also be committed to the clinical application and industrialization of these technologies, transforming scientific and technological achievements into tangible safeguards for people's health," said Academician Chunhai Fan in his speech. He highlighted that tetrahedral framework nucleic acid technology has made significant research progress in the treatment of retinal diseases and anti-tumor therapies, with exciting prospects for the future. He expressed confidence that this forum would lead to further breakthroughs in the research and application of this technology.

Director Xuedong Zhou, in his speech, remarked that tetrahedral framework nucleic acid technology, as a major innovative achievement in the pharmaceutical field, is gradually changing the way diseases are diagnosed and treated. Its application has already expanded to areas such as imaging, targeted drug delivery, and gene therapy, with broad prospects for future development. "I believe that with the in-depth research and wide application of tetrahedral framework nucleic acid technology, its value in the pharmaceutical field will become increasingly prominent."

Professor Yunfeng Lin shared that his team has been collaborating with various institutions in recent years to develop tetrahedral framework nucleic acid ophthalmic drugs, which have entered the preclinical stage. Additionally, they are exploring its potential in fields such as neurodegenerative diseases (like ALS), osteoarthritis, skin repair, and hair growth. Tetrahedral framework nucleic acid can be synthesized biologically and applied in medical aesthetics and skincare. By the end of 2023, seven skincare products had been launched, and several top-tier brands, including Estée Lauder, have shown strong interest in applying tetrahedral framework nucleic acid technology.

Yunhai Biotech, with Professor Yunfeng Lin's team as the core, has built a universal technology platform for tetrahedral framework nucleic acids based on the team's invented nucleic acid drug delivery system. The company manages and operates related patents globally, either independently or in collaboration with industry partners, supporting the translation and industrialization of this technology in both pharmaceutical and non-pharmaceutical directions. Currently, Yunhai Biotech has acquired 26 patents for tetrahedral framework nucleic acids, with a total value exceeding tens of millions of yuan.

Roundtable Discussion Session

Photo of the Speakers

Conference Venue Photo